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Exhibitions and fairs

I exhibit jewelry and decorative pieces in shops and craft fairs in Catalonia and France. If you want to be informed of the fairs or exhibitions where I participate, be sure to visit this website or become a follower of Litorena on Facebook.


2024.- “Art en Vidre” at the Chamber of Urban Property of Girona (Catalonia-Spain) from March 5 to 29.


2023.- “16ème Exposition Peintures et Sculpturesorganized by the “Association Art en Village”, at 31330 Larra (France) from October 28 to November 5.

2022.- “Exposición Colectiva de Artistas Iberoamericanas” at the MAVA, Madrid-Alcorcón (Spain), from May to October, within the framework of the “Ibero-American Congress of women in glass: artists and scientists”.

2021.- “Exposition Colectiva: Entre Olis i Vidres” in the Garcia-Tornel Exhibition Hall in Blanes Catalonia-Spain from November 5 to 14.

2021.- “10ème Biennale des Verriers” at Carmaux (France), from October 1 to 3.

2019.- “X Jornades de les Arts del Vidre” at Les Escaldes d’Engordany (Andorra), October.


Upcoming exibitions – 2024

Mayo.- “Fira d’Oficis Artesans” at Sant Miquel de Fluvià (Cataluña-Spain).

Junio.- “2a Trobada del Vidre” at Massanes (Cataluña-Spain).

Agosto.- “Festival International du Verre Contemporain” at Palau del Vidre (France).

Octubre.- “Vitrum – Festa del Vidre Artesà” at Vimbodí i Poblet (Cataluña-Spain).

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